St. Ann School offers a variety of clubs, activities and athletic teams to participate in throughout the year both on and off campus.
The day begins at 8:35am and ends at 3:15pm.
Children who arrive before 8:05am or remain after 3:30pm will report to Extended Care.
Students are not allowed to return to their classrooms for forgotten school items. This includes students who remain for aftercare.
An excuse note is required whenever a student is absent. The note must contain:
a) date(s) of absence,
b) cause of absence,
c) date of return to school,
d) signature of parent or guardian.
The note should be given to the homeroom teacher immediately on the day the child returns to school.
Parents are responsible for picking up the books between 3:00pm - 3:45pm.
The school uniform represents the school and the ideals it upholds. It should be worn with pride. All students, without exception, are expected to comply with the uniform regulation every day of the school year. Uniforms are not to be oversized or undersized. They are to fit the child (e.g., skirts and pants are to be worn at the waistline, shirt/blouses are to fit the shoulders and be long enough to be completely tucked in at the
waistband). Skirt length should be no longer than 2" below the knee and no shorter than the top of the knee cap. The back skirt length must also be adjusted to suit these requirements. The pants should be at the top of the heel. Keep in mind the rapid growth of children, and the resultant adjustments or replacement of uniforms that may be required throughout the year. Shorts worn under skirts should not be seen below the skirt hem.
Uniform consists of:
GIRLS: Grey/cranberry skirt (bibs worn in grades K-3), white blouse with rounded collar (monogrammed initials optional), solid white socks which may include sport socks that must be visible above the shoe line, and gray cardigan sweater or St. Ann sweatshirt. In cold weather, girls may wear solid white, navy, grey, flesh colored, or black tights or tight-fitting leggings which completely cover the entire leg (no skin showing) under their skirts with uniform socks. Only solid white short sleeve undergarments are to be worn under the school blouse.
BOYS: “Khaki” gray pants, solid white polo shirt (no logos), solid white socks which may include sport socks that must be visible above the shoe line, black leather belt, and gray cardigan sweater or St. Ann sweatshirt. Boys may wear pleated gray twill uniform walking shorts (not cut off long pants). These shorts are optional and may be worn in place of the long pants throughout the school year. Only solid white short sleeve undershirts are to be worn under the school shirt.
SHOES: Kindergarten girls wear black or navy Mary Jane velcro shoes. Kindergarten boys wear solid black or navy velcro sport/tennis shoe (no high tops). Shoes for boys and girls in grades 1-7 are a solid black or solid navy blue leather tie upper with a minimum of four pairs of eyelets (upper lace - matching color) with a non-scuff black or navy blue soft rubber side, sole, and heel. Only solid black or navy blue smooth leather (no suede, mesh, kid or patent leather) athletic shoes are acceptable as uniform shoes. No Velcro, buckles, leather laces, defined heels, high tops, mid tops, and no other type of tennis/athletic shoe is acceptable as a shoe to be worn during school. It is understood that worn/torn uniforms and shoes should be replaced as warranted.
Proper uniform (including shoes) is required until the last day of school.
OUTER WEAR: The St. Ann screened SWEATSHIRT and the gray cardigan sweater are part of the OFFICIAL UNIFORM. The sweatshirt or sweater must have the child’s name indelibly written in the inside collar. It is acceptable and suggested to have the sweater and/or sweatshirt monogrammed. No other writing should appear on the outside of these garments. Rips and tears must be repaired right away. Every child should own a sweatshirt or sweater to wear on cool/cold days. Only the sweatshirt or sweater may be worn in the classrooms when the students feel the need to wear an over garment. NO OTHER SWEATSHIRT or SWEATER will be allowed.
On particularly cold days, additional outer garments should be worn over, not in place of, the official St. Ann sweatshirt or sweater. This includes sport team or cheerleader windbreakers.
The middle school students have the option of purchasing a middle school fleece jacket or sweatshirt from Schiro’s School Time.
School uniforms may be purchased at:
Schumacher’s Uniforms
3601 Hessmer
(504) 454-0427
School Time Uniforms
5008 W. Esplanade
(504) 885-2993
Fire, lockdown, and tornado drills are held periodically throughout the year to prepare for such emergencies. In the event of a lockdown drill we will make sure parents are aware so they can discuss it with their children at home.
The closing and opening of the school is determined by the Archdiocese of New Orleans Office of Catholic Schools. This decision is not made on a school or church parish level. Employees, parents and parishioners should monitor local media sources for information regarding the re-opening of school, church, etc. Check the Archdiocese website at and watch Channel 4 or listen to WWL (870 AM) on the radio.
St. Ann School parents will be notified en mass via School Messenger to the number provided on your child’s Emergency Card on file at the school office.
A St. Ann School - Physician's Statement must accompany the medication whether it is a presciption or non-prescription.
Medical Forms for PK3-7th Grade Students
Medical Forms for PK2 Students
Distribution of Medicine
St. Ann School endeavors to the full extent of its capability to provide a quality education for your child. At the same time, St. Ann School does not have the capability to perform medical services that your child may need. The school does not assume the role of health-care provider in diagnosing or treating its students; nor do the personnel (including principal, faculty and staff) have experience, knowledge or expertise in providing emergency medical treatment that may be necessary for any student, including but not limited to-and by way of example only-any treatment for allergic or diabetic conditions, or heart or seizure conditions. The school will take reasonable steps in a medical emergency to care for a student. In specific circumstances in which a student needs to self-medicate or requires assistance with medication, the school may be unable to accommodate the medical needs of their child/student. In the event such assistance is needed , this matter should be discussed directly with the school principal in order to determine what steps can be taken in regard to providing the student with medical assistance. Those circumstances in which the student needs to self-medicate or needs other medical assistance must be discussed directly with the school principal.
Medicine Policy
Note: If possible, parents are advised to give medication at home and on a schedule other than during school hours. If it is necessary that a medication be given during school hours, the following procedure must be followed. It is the policy of St. Ann School that all medication, prescription or non-prescription, must be kept in the school office and will be dispensed only by the school personnel.
Parents may not go directly to the classroom to talk with the teachers during school time or at dismissal. Everyone entering the school building during school hours must first report to the school office and give the reason for their visit, sign their name in the visitor/volunteer book, and receive a visitor’s pass. This includes parents who are on the grounds working on Home and School/Fair/Men’s Club committee assignments.
Archdiocesan Policy requires that room mothers and all school volunteers have a signed Abuse and Neglect Policy form on file.
We welcome volunteers, including those in the cafeteria during lunch time, but visitors may not sit and/or eat lunch with the students in the cafeteria.
St. Ann School is a smoke free environment.
Lost and found articles such as jackets, shoes, bookbags are kept in the front of the cafeteria. Smaller items such as eyeglasses, keys and jewelry are kept in the front office. Front Office lost and found email
We cannot hold items indefinitely, items not claimed within a reasonable amount of time, will be sent to a charitable cause.
For dress down days, the students may wear full length blue jeans (no holes, rips), St. Ann middle school maroon PE shorts, or pants (no sweatpants, capris, or other shorts). Plain
T-shirts of appropriate length and size or those with acceptable logos are to be worn. Only tennis/athletic type shoes may be worn (no topsiders). For all dress down occasions, students must wear the stated acceptable attire, or their full school uniform. The only exception would be for 7th grade. They can wear their 7th grade t-shirt with the uniform pant or skirt.
Following is the charter of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and the directives from the Archbishop, all volunteers and employees (18 years and older) who have regular contact with minors must:
A list of training sessions can be found
In order to keep tuition affordable and maintain our quality programs, we look to our annual and on-going fundraisers. The income from these sources helps us facilitate our on-going building improvements, enrichment programs, and supplement our technology initiatives.
Home & School meetings are held once a quarter throughout the school year on Mondays in the school cafeteria. Each mother is encouraged to join the Home & School Club and become an active participant in their child's school experience. The Home & School Club has many committee's that help enrich our school environment.
Home & School Newsletters will be emailed each month.
For more information please email:
The mission of the Grandparents Club is to provide service to St. Ann School by enriching the student/grandparent relationship, affirming the faculty, and growing together both spiritually and socially. Membership is open to all grandparents in the school and parish community. The St. Ann Grandparents Club supports the school by helping with the Family Fest and Teacher Appreciation Week, and providing treats for students at various times throughout the year. Meetings are held several times a year to prepare for and discuss upcoming events and opportunities.
Our Grandparent's Club membership meeting will be on Wednesday, September 13th at 6:30PM. Please meet in our cafeteria. Membership Registration Forms will be available.
24-25 Grandparent's Club Dates
Friday, November 8, 9:00AM - 10:30AM in School Gym Grandparent's Day for Kinder, 1st & 2nd Grade
Friday, November 8, 2:00PM in St. Ann Churc Grandparent's Day for3rd & 4th Grade
The purpose of the St. Ann Men's Club is to unite the men of St. Ann Parish. Members participate in the overall spiritual, cultural, academic and social activities of the parish.
The Men's Club handles the construction and tear-down of the St. Ann Family Fest each year. We are also involved in the annual seafood dinners, golf tournaments, St. Ann Dances, Crawfish Rumble and summer softball.
The Extended Day Program for St. Ann School begins on the first day of school. Morning hours are from 7:00 - 8:05 AM. After school hours are 3:30 – 5:30 PM. Any student who arrives before 8:05 AM or departs school after 3:30 PM may be charged for extended care. Students who are not picked up on time from an extra-curricular activity will be sent to extended daycare. These students will then be registered with extended care and there will be a $30 registration fee. Should children not be picked up at 5:30 PM, an overtime charge of $1 per child per minute period will apply.
All St. Ann students are pre-registered in our Extended Care program. Upon the first use of Extended care you will be invoiced via email. A registration fee of $30.00 per child/per year will be issued after their first use.
After Hours Extended Care Telephone Numbers:
PK & Holiday Care Telephone Number: (504) 455-7051 EXT. 142
K-7 Extended Care Telephone Number: (504) 456-7402
St. Ann School lunch program is governed by federal (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and State Department of Education regulations, as well as policies that the local board of education deems necessary. The pre-approved monthly menu adheres to federal, state, and Archdiocesan guidelines. The items served are based on the majority of students’ eating habits.
Telephone: (504) 885-2450
St. Ann School’s Cafeteria Manager will send home a printed low balance reminder when a student’s lunch account has a balance of $13.00 or less.
Parents will receive an emailed reminder when their student’s lunch balance is $6.00 or less.
Early morning phone calls will be made to parents when an account balance is less than $2.00. If you receive this early morning call, please know that your student does not have enough money to eat lunch on that day.
Please login at to make a payment online or send a check to school with your student. This payment must be made before lunch is served that day. Automated SchoolMessenger phone calls will begin in October.
In addition to these notices, parents can set up their own customized low balance alerts through their MySchoolBucks profile. You can choose to automatically fund your student’s account by scheduling automatic payments to start on a specific date and continue on a recurring basis. Or you can have payments made automatically when your student’s account falls below a specified amount.
Please email Ms. Eraina Green our Cafeteria Manager, at with any questions.
School Food & Nutrition Services of New Orleans, Inc. provides a nutritious hot lunch option daily. If students choose to bring lunch from home, that lunch should be balanced and nutritious. Carbonated beverages cannot be brought into the dining area by students. Students cannot bring restaurant/fast food branded containers and wrappers in the cafeteria. Restaurant/fast food may be brought only in unmarked containers.
Students with food allergies or special dietary needs must have the prescription for School Meal Modification thoroughly completed each year by a recognized medical professional. "Click Here" to download and print form.
This form must be completed by your child's physician and returned to the Archdiocese of New Orleans
3000 West Esplanade Avenue, Suite 300
Metairie, LA 70002
FAX: (504) 596-3459
We must have an updated form each year. If possible forms are due no later than October.
Click Here to access food modification form.
We do NOT have an allergy free kitchen for food preparation.
Cross-contamination IS a Risk.
Students who are not returning to St. Ann School the following year, may request a refund through the Archdiocese Food and Nutrition Services Department.
If your student is entering a school that is managed by the Archdiocese Food and Nutrition Services Department their account including funds will follow the student.
Refund Information
Please click here for the request for refund form from School Food and Nutrition. These forms are only for students who are not returning. The completed form can be sent via email to Ellen Gauthreaux, director of school food and nutrition, or faxed to 504-596-3459.
If you are in need of assistance for your child(ren) to participate in the program please fill out a Free and Reduced application. Your child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced price meals. To apply for free or reduced price meals, please click here. Once the application is processed you will be notified of the benefit your student qualifies for.
1 Student | 2 Students | 3 Students | |
Daily | $3.65 | $7.30 | $10.95 |
1 Week | $18.25 | $36.50 | $54.75 |
2 Weeks | $36.50 | $73.00 | $109.50 |
1 Month | $73.00 | $146.00 | $219.00 |
2 Months | $146.00 | $292.00 | $438.00 |
PK2 | 10:30am - 11:00am |
PK3 | 10:55am - 11:25am |
PK4 | 11:25am - 11:55am |
Kindergarten | 10:45am - 11:15am |
1st Grade | 10:55am - 11:30am |
2nd Grade | 11:20am - 12:00pm |
3rd Grade | 11:15am - 11:45am |
4th Grade | 12:30pm - 1:00pm |
5th Grade | 11:50am - 12:20pm |
6th Grade | 12:10pm - 12:40pm |
7th Grade | 12:10pm - 12:40pm |
4921 Meadowdale Street
Metairie, LA 70006
Call: 504.455.8383
All Rights Reserved | St. Ann Catholic School