Family Life

St. Ann Catholic Church & National Shrine

“All members of the family, each according to his or her own gift, have the grace and responsibility of building day by day the communion of persons, making the family 'a school of deeper humanity:' This happens where there is care and love for the little ones, the sick, the aged; where there is mutual service every day; when there is a sharing of goods, of joys and sorrows.”

St. Ann School Liturgies and Activities to Promote Catholic Identity

  • Weekly Masses or liturgies for students in kindergarten through seventh grades. Special Masses for Catholic Schools Week, Holy Days of Obligation and other events are held throughout the year

  • Students serve at school liturgies as readers, gift bearers, altar servers and in the choir

  • Schoolwide rosary prayed multiple times per year using student-created rosary videos and in the parish rosary garden

  • Organized prayers in the morning, before lunch and at the end of the day. Morning prayers include a reading about the Saint or other liturgical events celebrated that day

  • Yearly theme, based on the Catechetical Sunday theme, is discussed in the classrooms and displayed throughout the school

  • Monthly aspirations serve as spiritual goals for the students. The aspirations are coordinated with the yearly theme and are displayed throughout the school

  • Assemblies or monthly grade-level Mass for students centered on the current aspiration

  • Visits from priests during the year to discuss church teachings and liturgies as well as answer questions from the students about their faith

  • Priest-led tours of the church, shrine and sacristy for students in second through seventh grade

  • Buddy program to promote sharing and mentoring between older and younger students

  • Frequent review of Mass etiquette, participation and responses

  • Sacramental preparation for second grade students approaching First Reconciliation and First Communion

  • Blessing of the School and each classroom at the beginning of the school year

  • Family Sunday project to celebrate the family and its place in the faith formation of the students

  • Blessing of the Pets (stuffed animals) on the Feast Day of St. Francis (Kindergarten)

  • Respect Life Month and celebration of the Holy Rosary throughout the month of October. Students are provided opportunities to pray the rosary in the classroom and at home

  • Tour of the St. Ann CYO Catacombs during October for students in fifth through seventh grade

  • Participation in the Archdiocesan Missionary Childhood Association and other mission activities and fundraisers

  • Vocation Week activities, including guest speakers, Mass and prayers to promote vocations

  • Reconciliation opportunities during Advent and Lent

  • During Advent we prepare for the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Advent activities include a theme, a daily reading, a classroom activity and the lighting of the Advent Wreath

  • Participation in the Keep Christ in Christmas and Respect Life programs sponsored by the Archdiocese

  • Living Nativity presented by fifth-grade students

  • Feast of St. Blaise throat blessing

  • Observance of Catholic Schools Week through special activities such as Mass, a Buddy event, daily prayers and announcements and attendance at the Archdiocesan CSW Mass
  • Activities to foster diversity and respect for fellow students such as classroom discussions, guest speakers, studying role models such as Saints and special programs during Black History Month

  • St. Joseph’s Altar viewing, food drive and blessing

  • Drive to collect toiletries for the homeless for distribution by the Harry Thompson Center

  • Program for Lent includes a theme, faith building activities and daily prayers

  • Eucharistic Adoration during Lent and other times throughout the year

  • Stations of the Cross during Lent

  • May Crowning in church and classrooms

  • Ministers-in-training and recorder program Mass for third grade students

  • Anti-bullying programs, speakers and counseling to foster a culture of respect for fellow students

  • Mary’s Club for girls in third through fifth grade promotes devotion to Mary

  • Joseph’s Club for boys in third through fifth grade promotes devotion to St. Joseph through service to the community 

  • Junior Service Club to promote volunteer service to the school community

  • Service hour requirements for Middle School students to promote service to others

  • Builder’s Club, for students in sixth and seventh grade, is a community service organization that has established a fellowship with an Orleans Parish Catholic school. Club members perform a monthly service activity for the students and several members then visit the school to distribute the donations. Also, there is an Annual Middle School Christmas Collection for the school 

  • National Junior Beta Club, for students in the sixth through seventh grade, is a scholarship, leadership and service organization that performs community service including a Thanksgiving Food Drive for the needy

  • The Middle School Student Council serves the school community by decorating the St. Ann tree for Celebration in the Oaks in New Orleans City Park, assisting at Grandparents Day, attending the Archdiocese Catholic School Week Mass and performing other service related duties

  • Faculty includes a Coordinator of Religious Education who is dedicated to preparing and implementing the school liturgies, fostering the spiritual growth of the students, faculty, and parents, and coordinating all religious activities of the school

  • Faculty prayer offered to teachers weekly through a religion reflection memo and during faculty meetings

  • School wide response to the needs of our community which have included food drives for Second Harvest and St. Ann Church food banks, coat drives for the homeless and book and sporting equipment drives for needy schools. Additional participation in drives affecting the state or region due to hurricane destruction

  • Mary gardens on campus provide outdoor space for individual or group prayer
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